Information for existing policy holders

If you are an existing policyholder, here are a few pointers to help you amend your cover or make a claim with ease.

  • Always remember your premium due dates to avoid a policy lapse.

  • Always insist on a receipt as a proof of payment.

  • Ensure your age is stated correctly in the proposal. The life insurance company will pay an amount equal to the insurance ,the premium would have bought, at the age stated in the document.

  • Review your insurance needs regularly for adequate cover.

  • Keep your policy in a safe place until the life insurance policy money is received.

  • Keep basic details of your policy such as the type of policy, policy number and names of nominees in a separate.

  • Always keep the nomination under your policy alive. It helps during unforeseen difficulties and saves your near and dear ones from avoidable hassles.

  • Always intimate change in address to insurance company immediately.

  • If your policy is assigned for a loan, ensure that the reassignment notice is sent to insurance company and is noted by them after the loan is repaid. Also make sure that reassigned policy is received back from the lender. Fresh nomination may also be needed in such a case.

  • Always clarify any doubts you have about your policy with the life insurance company.